Friday, December 4, 2015

Dead Week!!

           Hey everyone! Yes, I know, I'm late. I apologize but I did tell you to expect that. This week was dead week, I had no idea what that was at the beginning of Monday but the meaning definitely made sense by Wednesday. In high school, at the end of the semester and sometimes the quarter (bare with me, I may have forgotten) you have a little experience known as finals! Well, dead week is the week before finals, the week where everyone is studying to the point of exhaustion and rushing to get things done. The week where everyone is freaking out and stressing over their grades to the point of being emotionally and mentally dead. Sounds like fun, right? Wrong! There's basically only one way to survive dead's pretty crazy so just hear me out. It's a little weird and a lot of high school students may not be familiar with the concept so here goes...STUDY!
          I know, it's pretty crazy but it's really helpful, no but seriously, study you guys. Do your homework when it' assigned and try to work ahead if you can and study repeatedly. Studying does not have to be intense reading and highlighting, it could be just going over notes or practicing with flash cards. Also, learning how to be a multitask is a very valuable skill that will do you well in life, not just school.
          Also, this may seem kind of obvious, but show up to class. Your attendance is crucial people! In college, it's great that you get to pick your classes and what time you go to them, so since you picked the times you can go, tell me why you decide not to go? If you think you can still maintain a decent grade on tests and homework without attending class, that's on you. But remember, you're paying for these classes and you signed up for the specific time, you have to be responsible for yourself, your parents are not there to wake you up. Go to class! College is not a place to just party all the time, that can be done without a $23,000 bill at the end of the year, don't you think? It's you life and your decision, but make one you're not going to regret further down the line.
       So, you want to survive dead week? Well, go to class, study, and do your homework and try to work ahead and you might be one of the only un-dead beings in your campus!