Hey everyone! I just want to give you guys a heads-up, a bit delayed but well...better late than never. For those of you that read my post on the Black Lives Matter movement, you are aware that that is not or was not normal content on this blog. This however, will change. There will still be times when I write about college, but expect to read about my opinion on other things. Also, I am totally open to the opinions of others, that being said, please comment on the posts! I want to hear how you reacted to what you read, I want to know your thoughts, but I do also want you to be respectful. Share the blog with your friends and family, tell them to express how they feel about it.
My last post was something I felt very strongly about and the things that happened to me that inadvertently shaped me as a person. I am aware that there are people who will disagree with the things that I write, and I am aware of the possibility that writing about such things, paints a target for negativity on me. But for those of you not aware, I will fight back. If you want to have a debate with me, we can do that and be respectful, however if all you want to do is be negative for the sake of negativity, you will be deleted. I will also take requests as well. So, if there’s a question you have about something and you want my opinion on it, then I will write about it. Even if it’s something you feel embarrassed about and think it’s stupid, I can answer you privately or I can blog about it. It’s really whichever you specify to me when you write to me.
Obviously, I’ll still write about things that I want to and maybe throw a couple of longer pieces and interviews in the mix. But this is just another way in which I’m trying to get you, the audience, more involved. So, as always, I will post every new blog on my Facebook for those who are my friends, and I would be ever-so grateful if you would share it and tag people in it to get more involved in the process. Also, post it on your twitter if you have one, Instagram, and all the other many social media sites that keep us “connected.” (If you know me well, you know I’m going to address why I put that in quotes at some point. Just not now.)
All of you are amazing and I thank you so very much for reading. I do so hope you will continue to read the blog and in the future I hope that you interact with me more!
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